If your child has a disability, financial and practical support from the Government may be available to help you manage. As soon as you think you are elibigle, please make a claim as these benefits are not automatic or linked to your child’s medical team.
Please visit the GOV.UK website to check what is available and eligibility https://www.gov.uk/browse/benefits
Disability Benefits Centre (here there are different helpline numbers for each disability unit): https://www.gov.uk/disability-benefits-helpline
Need help with disability benefits?
The Citizen’s Advice Bureau estimate that more than £16 billion in means-tested benefits and tax credits goes unclaimed every year. Even if you’re not certain about your eligibility, you still can make a claim (and may be pleasantly surprised!). Disability benefits are there to help you and your family and figuring them out and filling in the forms can often be overwhelming and complicated. Fortunately, there are free expert help and advice services for you to navigate through this system.
Contact a Family (an information, advice and support service for families with a disabled child): http://www.cafamily.org.uk/
Are there any care or respite services I can access for my child?
Caring for a disabled child can be very rewarding but also at times it can also be challenging. As a carer you may feel that sometimes you, your child or even your family may need a short break away. A coffee with a friend, a walk in nature, or even a day or over night trip can help with recharging depleted batteries. Unfortunately, there are no set services across the UK to help with respite. However, there may be services available in your local area through Social Services or any local charities. If you feel you would benefit from this type of service, please dicscuss your feelings with your child’s GP or Paediatrician. They are there to help, signpost or even refer you or your child to local care or respite services if they are available in your area.